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Drama Club


‘Pepper-Pot productions’ produced a powerful performance at the Secondary School’s Drama competition. For the competition’s 45th anniversary, our college was added to a dish with Holy Name convent to form the group which cupped numerous prized. As proof of the talent budding in our Fatima students, out the 9 students that were onstage 6 were given prizes for the most promising actors. Albonte Forbes, a past Fatima student, was awarded a scholarship to study at full scholarships to the TTW’s Theatre Studio due to his outstanding performances in the competition. Subsequently, he performed at the 2010 Cacique awards. Our drama group, under the direction of Miss Clarke, started in September of 2009, took a year’s break but will resume this year to be crowned for endless awards once again.

Persons who may question the importance of drama in an all boy’s institution and jest that the students solely entered the competition to spend some time with the Holy Name girls need to analyse Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. The competition allowed students to tap into their other God-given talents in the arts, drama, song, dance. Nevertheless it was found that the primary attribute that was gained from this production after interviewing  those involved, was teamwork- a life skill which can never be taught. From the most “naughty” child to the “teacher’s pet” everyone learned their role, practiced it consistently and executed it flawlessly all so that the team could represent the college well.


The experience at the Secondary School’s Drama festival saw students get the opportunity to meet several dramatic geniuses and work hand in hand with Cacique winners! Special thanks have to be extended to Mairoon Ali- director & playwright (who has since passed away) and S. Clarke- co-director.  For further information on joining the next Fatima production, contact your drama teacher and listen carefully for practice dates and times!

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