Scrabble Club

The Scrabble club affords our students the opportunity to build their vocabulary and language skills in both a friendly and competitive environment. Many of the students are familiar with the game and play with their families. Students who have not played before are taught by the more experienced players when the club meets on a Wednesday, lunchtime in the language room.
In 2010, I inherited the portfolio of “Scrabble Teacher”. The members then were excellent players and participated in the national tournament each year. Over the last ten years, the school has won both the National Junior and Senior Scrabble tournaments. We also continue to have the largest contingent of students participating in these competitions. In recent years two of our students , Matthew Wong Sang and Daniel Henriques have represented Trinidad and Tobago at the international level. In 2017, Daniel Henriques placed third in the Junior World Scrabble Championships in England. Daniel placed twelfth overall in the competition, the highest to date for any Trinidadian.