Fatima Parent Support Group (PSG)

President - Timothy Patihk
Timothy Patihk (President) Nicole Aboud (1st Vice President), Dr. Avery Hinds (2nd Vice President), Susan Gittens (Secretary), Dr. Sarah Ince (Assistant Secretary), Matthew Broughton (Ordinary Member), Allyson Dwarka (Ordinary Member), Kevin Grant (Ordinary Member) Amanda Lee-Gosine, Nicole Aboud, and Janine Mendes-Franco (Class Rep Coordinator and Communications Team/Non-elected Members)
PSG Objectives
The PSG is a non-financial arm of the school’s tripartite and includes a voluntary group comprising parents and guardians who have (or had) children at Fatima College. The PSG’s executive committee includes a President, 2 Vice Presidents, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and the Class Rep Coordinator. This year we have included an Ordinary Member for proper succession planning purposes. Other members include the Class Reps, parents and guardians.
The aims of the PSG are primarily:
To assist the school in all activities
To support and enhance the communication between the school and home, primarily via email. This is done by a dynamic Class Rep system
To encourage parents to get involved in events and activities hosted by the College.
To source individuals with the requisite knowledge and expertise to develop our children in the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.
PSG Objectives
The PSG’s main objectives in these events are to raise funds via corporate and/or individual sponsorship, coordinate the events and supply volunteer physical assistance - man power.
The PSG usually meet once a month to discuss different activities that are taking place in the school and all parents and guardians are welcome. It is important to become involved and participate in your son’s school, so we encourage you to attend as often as possible. Your attendance, input and assistance is always greatly appreciated.
At Fatima, we pride ourselves with keeping parents informed about school related events outside of the classroom and we do his via the Class Reps.
See Class Reps Duties:
The PSG supports many Fatima College activities, including (but not limited to):
Term 1:
October – Food Fest – A fundraiser done by FOBA (The Fatima Old Boys) and is a “Men Who Cook” type event. We, the PSG, usually organize all the desserts for this event from your kind contributions.
November – The Annual 5k – a mini Marathon where students, parents and friends get to participate in a cool morning run/walk and earn points for the houses. This has grown in the past years and has encouraged keen rivalry for house points.
December - Gifts of Blue and Gold (GOBAG) – It is a grand 3 night production of very high standard, showcasing the extremely talented Fatima boys with guest performances by Holy Name Convent girls.
Term 2:
March - The Carnival Jump Up – talented performances by the classes and individuals. All are invited – for FREE.
February/March - Annual Sports Day. Battle of the houses while having fun.
Fatima Fete – the PSG assist FOBA in any way needed. The executive members assist with ushering.
Term 3
May - The annual Mayfair is the College’s major Fundraiser and is usually held on the 2nd Sunday of May. The PSG is responsible for many aspects including the disco, games stalls, and entertainment. Form 1 parents are responsible for the BBQ stall – and while it’s a lot of planning and work, it’s a great way to meet other Form 1 parents.
May - Career day – This has taken the form of a full Expo and targets the Form 3 boys as they prepare for their subject selection.