Holy Ghost Fathers

The Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Congregation of the Holy Spirit under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, or in Latin, Congregatio Sancti Spiritus sub tutela Immaculati Cordis Beatissimae Virginis Mariae, and thus abbreviated C.S.Sp.) is a Roman Catholic congregation of priests,lay brothers, and since Vatican II, lay associates.
Congregation members are known as Spiritans in Continental Europe, and as the Holy Ghost Fathers in English-speaking countries, although even there, they are becoming known as Spiritans.
A Spiritan priest or brother has the abbreviation C.S.Sp. after his name.
The Holy Ghost Fathers run these schools in Trinidad and Tobago:
Saint Mary’s College established in 1863
Our Lady of Fatima College established in 1945
Saint Anthony’s College (Trinidad)